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Coping With Sleep Disturbances During Depression

Coping With Sleep Disturbances During Depression

Coping With Sleep Disturbances During Depression

When you’re depressed, dealing with sleep issues can seem like a never-ending cycle. It is more difficult to fall asleep Coping With Sleep Disturbances During Depression when you are feeling depressed. Furthermore, fighting depression becomes more difficult the more worn out you feel.

Sometimes it seems impossible to stop the loop. And it’s annoying to be exhausted but have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep. Here are some important facts about the connection between depression and sleep difficulties.

The Link Between Sleep Disturbances and Depression

Sleep problems affect about 80% of persons who have depression. Others have trouble staying asleep while others have trouble getting asleep. And some people discover that they sleep too much.

Chemicals in the brain are involved in both depression and sleeplessness. Neurotransmitter modifications and hormonal imbalances may have an impact on both mood and sleep Coping With Sleep Disturbances During Depression.

Researchers have long debated whether depression or sleeplessness strikes first. It was evident that the two problems frequently coexist and feed off of one another.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine now urges healthcare professionals to carefully consider whether sleeplessness deserves to be recognised as a distinct illness rather than just a symptom of depression.


According to studies, depression frequently starts before sleep problems. It may make depression worse if you had sleeplessness before you became depressed .

The Health Risks Associated With Depression and Sleep Disturbances

If left untreated, depression and sleep issues can have a negative impact on your physical health. A 2010 study discovered that getting too little sleep increased the risk of dying young. The risks of heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and obesity are all increased by lack of sleep.

Your risk of heart disease may increase because depression can narrow blood arteries. A weakened immune system, aches and pains, and exhaustion are common symptoms of depression.

Talk to Your Physician

An underlying medical issue, such as obstructive sleep apnea, may be the cause of insomnia. Sleep disruptions include restless legs syndrome and bruxism (teeth grinding). These health conditions could exacerbate existing sleep disorders or lead to depression.

Any issues with your sleep or indications of depression should be discussed with your doctor. Your doctor can determine if you have underlying health disorders that are exacerbating your symptoms.

See a Therapist

Talk therapy can be effective in treating depression symptoms, including insomnia. Depression and sleeplessness can both be effectively treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). For sleep problems, a therapist may help you change your routines, such as getting out of bed when you can’t fall asleep and rising at the same time every morning to improve your quality of evening sleep.

You can alter your self-talk with the assistance of cognitive-behavioral therapists. For instance, believing you are helpless and without hope can make your symptoms worse. While changing the way you communicate to yourself can improve your mood and quality of sleep.

Medications Can Also Help

In addition to treating depression, medication can also be used to treat sleeplessness. Which symptoms should be treated first and which medicine will perform the best for you can both be decided with the advice of a doctor or psychiatrist.

Develop Good Sleep Hygiene Habits

You can sleep longer and more deeply if you practise good sleep hygiene. Simple adjustments to your day routine and sleep routine can have a significant impact.

Avoid Alcohol

It’s common to relax with a glass of wine or a finger of brandy in addition to using them to deal with worry or despair. However, drinking alcohol throws off your sleep cycle, which increases the likelihood that you’ll wake up in the middle of the night.

While a glass of wine may aid in falling asleep, it won’t do much to help you stay asleep all night or feel refreshed the following day.

Meditate and Relax

Ruminating, or repeatedly thinking about the same things, is a symptom of depression and can keep you awake at night. Techniques for meditation or other forms of relaxation training can assist in calming the mind and preparing you for sleep.

These might consist of deep belly breathing or yoga. Turn off all electronics an hour or so before bedtime, relax by having a warm bath or shower, and decompress before going to sleep.

Journal About Your Worries

If relaxation techniques do not relieve your worry or persistently negative thoughts, get a notebook and jot them down. These are the ideas that might keep you up at night since your brain keeps going over them.

Even better, set aside some time right before bed as your dedicated “worry time” to allow yourself to truly decompress.

Get Out of Bed

Don’t just lie there tossing and turning if you’re not tired. Get out of bed, move to another room, and do something leisurely like read.

Go back to bed when you start to feel sleepy for a hopefully more fruitful try at sleeping.


Avoid using your phone or laptop, or anything else with a screen. According to research, the blue light that these devices emit can worsen existing sleep difficulties by interfering with circadian cycles.

Spend Time Outside During the Day

Daytime exposure to natural light can assist in controlling your circadian cycle. Light affects the internal biological clock that controls the sleep-wake cycle; at night, when there is less light, the body releases melatonin.

The sun signals your body and brain to awaken in the morning. You can experience sleep issues if you spend all of your time indoors in the dark. Exercise on a regular basis, as long as it’s not done right before bed, can help with depression and sleep troubles.

A Word From WinAspire

It is undoubtedly challenging to deal with both depression and sleep issues. But the key to feeling better is to get professional assistance.

It’s possible that you sleep better when you’re not as depressed. Or you might discover that getting more rest helps your depression. Both illnesses are curable and can improve with medical assistance.

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