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When Is the Best Time to Meditate?

When Is the Best Time to Meditate

The practice of meditation can aid in relaxation and improved stress management. There are numerous other potential health advantages. Even if you’ve previously loved the practise, it can be challenging to find the time to meditate regularly in your life.



Does the time of day you meditation affect its impacts on your body, mind, and wellbeing? The greatest time to meditate for many folks may be in the morning. The benefits of meditation can be felt at any moment of the day, even if you are unable to incorporate it into your morning practice.

Here are some things you need to know about when to meditate, why it’s crucial to carve out time to meditate, and some advice on how to make it a habit.

When to Meditate

So what time of day is ideal for meditation? While it’s important to pick a time that fits your schedule, there might be particular times that can help you get the most out of meditation.

In the Morning

Setting the tone for the day with meditation first thing in the morning can be quite beneficial. You frequently have the focus and clarity to fully concentrate on your meditation during these early morning hours, when job, family, and other obligations haven’t yet started competing for your time and attention.

You decide how long you want to meditate for; it may also depend on your preferences and goals. However, even a brief meditation session of five minutes can give you a good start to the day.


According to research, even a few minutes of daily meditation can have a variety of beneficial effects, such as improved memory, attention, and emotional control.

By using meditation to set your intention for the day, you can also keep a positive frame of mind and be more at ease, which will make it easier for you to deal with any stresses that may come up.

During Your Lunch Break

If you have trouble finding time to meditate in the morning, think about doing it during your lunch break. This is a fantastic way to take a much-needed break from work and reenergize for the afternoon.


How to Meditate at Work

To get the most of your midday meditation, find a peaceful location. If you’re at work, this can entail leaving your desk or cubicle and looking for an empty office or conference room nearby. Sit on your porch or in the backyard if you’re working from home.

In the Evening

You can relax at the end of the day and get ready for a restful night’s sleep by meditating. If you struggle to fall asleep or find yourself reflecting on the day before bed, try this.

Try meditating for 10 to 20 minutes before bed if you typically have trouble falling asleep. You might also want to concentrate on breathing techniques or take a guided meditation designed to put you to sleep.

After You Get Home From Work

The majority of people report feeling stressed out the most right after work. Due to this, it may be challenging to unwind, and unhealthy coping mechanisms like binge eating or drinking alcohol may result.


You can decompress and make a healthy transition from “work mode” to “home mode” by engaging in meditation.

After a Workout

After a workout, meditation is a terrific way to wind down. Take a few minutes to sit quietly and concentrate on your breathing if you feel pumped up or anxious after working out in the gym, yoga studio, or on the running track. This might help you focus and relieve any tension you may be experiencing after working out.


To get the most out of your post-workout meditation, try doing it in the same location where you worked out. This can aid in tying the relaxation response experienced during meditation to the environment in which you work out, which can aid in your ability to wind down after a workout.

When You Need to Relax

It’s crucial to be adaptable and practise meditation whenever you need it most, in addition to these particular times of day. Spend a few minutes removing yourself from the situation that is making you feel stressed or anxious and engaging in some mindfulness exercises.


Always place your mental health first when scheduling your meditation sessions. Take a break to concentrate on your breathing and be in the present if you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed.

Although there are numerous good times to meditate, the best time is whenever you have time in your schedule. Always put your mental well-being first, and meditate when you need to.

Whenever You Can

When you can squeeze it into your schedule is the ideal time to meditate. The most important thing is to pick a time that works for you and make it a regular practise, even though there may be specific times that are best for meditating.

Building a new habit takes time and regular work. By deciding on a time that will help you stick with it, you may make it simpler. Choose a different time of day to meditate if you know it will be challenging in the morning, such as during lunch or in the evening as you are winding down from the day. It is more likely to become a lifelong habit the longer you stick with it.

Try listening to a guided meditation on your commute or while you’re taking a walk if you have trouble meditating at home. Additionally, you can download meditation apps that offer quick, 10-minute meditations that you can perform wherever you are, whenever.


According to a 2022 study comparing the effects of morning and evening meditation, both types of meditation reduced anxiety and improved mindfulness. The authors of the study came to the conclusion that meditation, whether practised in the morning or the evening, could enhance mental health.

Benefits of Making Time for Meditation

It’s important to comprehend the benefits of meditation in addition to knowing when it is most effective. There are many reasons to meditate, but some of the most frequent ones are as follows:

  • Reducing stress: One of the main benefits of meditation is its ability to ease tension. According to studies, practising mindfulness meditation can help with the symptoms of diseases like anxiety, depression, and chronic pain that are brought on by stress.
  • Sleeping better: Meditation can help you sleep better by calming your racing thoughts and encouraging relaxation. According to studies, mindfulness meditation can increase both the quantity and quality of sleep.
  • Increasing concentration and focus: Meditation can also aid in these areas. Regular meditation might help you focus longer and be better able to stay on target if you have problems staying present or find that you are easily distracted.

Other health advantages of meditation include bringing blood pressure back to normal, boosting immune system, and lowering cortisol levels. 7 Therefore, give meditation a try if you’re seeking for a technique to enhance your general health and wellbeing.

Why It’s Important to Make Time for Meditation

It’s simple to forget to take care of oneself in today’s fast-paced society when you become engrossed in the daily grind. But taking even a brief period of time out of your day to relax and concentrate on your breathing can have a significant positive impact on how you feel.

So be sure to set aside some time for meditation if you’re seeking for a technique to enhance your health and wellbeing. How much of a difference it can make could astound you.


Stress can be reduced with meditation, and it also helps with sleep, concentration, and focus. Additionally, it can lessen pain, melancholy, and anxiety. Additionally, it’s a fantastic method to encourage general wellness and find peace in the midst of a busy day.

Tips for Making Meditation a Habit

It’s crucial to start off gently and be patient with yourself if you’ve never meditated before. Here are some pointers to get you going:

  • Obtain a cosy position: Sitting, lying down, or even standing can be used for meditation. Just make sure your physique won’t distract you and that you’re comfy.
  • Close your eyes and concentrate: on your breathing after finding a comfortable position. Take several slow, deep breaths through your nose.
  • Observe your thoughts, then turn your attention back to your breathing: While meditating, it’s typical for ideas to enter your head. When they do, simply let them go and return your attention to your breath.
  • If you’re just getting started: consider meditating for 5 to 10 minutes each day. You can gradually lengthen your sessions as you become more accustomed to it.

A Word From Verywell

With some practise, meditation can be a terrific tool for lowering stress, enhancing sleep, and enhancing general health and wellbeing. Choose a time that works for you, and incorporate it into your schedule on a regular basis. Your body and mind will appreciate it.

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