Schools and all institutes that allow students to share learning experiences for evaluation and future career development We know that learning and reading take place throughout the school, day by day, beyond the English Language Arts classroom. You can supplement your core social studies and science curriculum with high-quality literacy resources that address the science of reading.

Regular readers of the blog for online studying know that I’m a big fan of online education. You might have listened to online professional learning resources. In addition to these offerings, online classes and education give teachers access to high-quality resources that support the science of reading and the integration of skills across all the areas where students are encouraged in take online learning and build their future.

If you want to take best practices and online classes around the science of reading into your content areas, the online classes we give for learning and career development have you covered. now and be able to take on and develop your career.

What Can Student Learn From Online Classes?


Online classes for students provide teachers with access to digital lessons they can share with their students to help them in their studies for career development and to share learning experiences. These resources can supplement your traditional instruction in any environment but are especially useful for educators who teach social studies or science on social media or any other resources where they can teach online lectures. If you are a content teacher who is teaching online reading skills this year, you’ll certainly want to leverage these resources, particularly if you’re working with middle school students and are also available to teach them your course online.

Learning online or digitally is designed to help students spark interest in the topic, build understanding, connect digital learning to previous experiences, and encourage them to learn more. The lessons all start with a video introduction to every topic, and then in explanation, the students are activated to provide interest. The lessons have explained features and the option to translate into more than 100 languages. Informational text features like captions for digital photos are present in each digital lesson, along with assessment at every possible opportunity for students.

I had to get a behind-the-scenes look at the online platform and was impressed with the student experience as well as the tools for teachers. Online teachers can differentiate instruction by sharing specific resources with the students they support and gathering valuable data regarding areas where students need additional help. So teachers can assign digital lessons to students based on the related content they are exploring and sharing in social studies or science classes and support literacy instruction simultaneously.

Support the Science of Reading


If you and your school are making a commitment to give the opportunity for digital learning about science or reading this year online, Learn has resources to help make this happen. Each lesson by students to share online learning experience can help students build a strong understanding of every student-specific vocabulary and provide them with background knowledge to support their deeper understanding of each topic.


When I talk with educators or teachers about their online classes about infusing literacy skills across the related content areas, one of the biggest struggles is finding supplemental reading experiences that connect to social studies and science goals. Of course, if you grew up as a child like I did, then you know that the resources from digital and online classes: Learning is high quality, related to your study, and comprehensive, too. The supporting images and text for each digital lesson are original and updated according to the latest digital era and are put into the context of a lesson with students in mind.

Easy-to-Use Resources For Online and Digital Classes

As I mentioned, online learning has a comprehensive assessment component that gives you insights into student needs. So, if you are teaching with students and helping and counseling them to recover from learning loss and need lessons to support literacy skill building, Expedition: Learn makes it easy to find what your students are looking for. Teachers can provide content in multiple ways to find the perfect way to share knowledge with their students. They can search by keyword to find a digital lesson on a specific topic or view all of the options available in the Social Studies and Science categories.

Learning from an online platform also helps teachers as well as students check for understanding about your related subject and quickly take action based on assessment. They have all the topics related to their subject and a lesson plan to support students who demonstrate them if they need any kind of extra support with particular literacy skills. The Find & Assign feature for students to share learning experiences makes it easy to distribute lessons to students and even set them up with reading experiences that match their reading level.


Teachers can use the assessments built into the platform to check for understanding. These assessments include different skills and content, like students sharing learning experiences. They use traditional assessments of their students about their learning to help students practice answering questions while giving their teachers valuable information. Teachers can also access reports with a student data overview for the whole class, as well as a drill-down to see question by question. The Skills Report is especially useful if you are making connections to Science of Reading initiatives because it shows the connection to student performance alongside skills like “Identify Main Idea and Details” or “Compare and Contrast.”

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CONCLUSION: Students Share Learning Experience

Learn Head over to this page to learn more about everything Expedition: Learn has to offer students and teachers this school year. In addition to all the ready-to-use digital lessons available for you to explore, Britannica Education can also work alongside a district to create curated curriculum connections to help support your Science of Reading initiatives.

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