6 Best Practices to Teach Kids Digital Citizenship at Home

It would help if you looked into this Digital Citizenship Pledge, which you may discuss with your child while conversing with them. When I was carrying my first child, I did everything that a typical first-time mother would do:

I pureed food that he refused to eat, I used cloth diapers, I sterilized anything that came into contact with the ground, and I even attempted to learn sign language. The fact that my one-year-old child would not watch the infant sign language films that I had meticulously checked out from the library is something that I remember bemoaning during that time. It was clear that he had no interest in them. After a few years have passed, he is completely obsessed with any video or gadget that I attempt to present to him.

The innate defenses that animals have, which he refers to as their “creature power,” are something that he enjoys seeing. There are no longer any instances in which he is unimpressed by a video. Now comes the era of the tug-of-war standoff between the amount of time spent in front of a screen the amount of technology that needs to be used, and the amount that is unavoidable.

I am so pleased to be a user of technology. Due to the fact that I reside across the ocean from my family and friends, technology has made it much simpler for me to maintain my connections with them. Videos are conversation starters for my children and provide them with a glimpse into worlds that they have not previously encountered.

In spite of the fact that all of these are beneficial ways to utilize technology, I have found that I am unable to resist the temptation to engage in the never-ending refresh of my Facebook news feed when I ought to have been engaged in something that I had planned for the day. In light of the fact that I am aware of the opportunities and difficulties that come with the introduction of any new technical innovation or application on the market, the issue that arises is: How can I make responsible use of technology, and how can I teach my children to do the same?

How Does One Become a Digital Citizen?

As I was looking for a way to understand how to monitor the use of technology within my family, I came across a new buzz term that describes responsible technology use. This concept is digital citizenship. Users of technology are considered to be excellent digital citizens when they behave in a manner that is suitable and responsible when using technology. In general, a citizen of the digital age:

  • is familiar with the guidelines and standards for the use of technology.
  • has respect for both themselves and others.
  • encourages them to engage in other activities, such as reading a book, in addition to the time they spend using media and the internet.
  • sends a report about cyberbullying to the school’s administration and parents.

Now that I am aware of what the experts have to say regarding the use of technology and how I may better manage my time, the question that plagues me is how I can explain to my children that they should not spend their summer or school holidays sitting in front of the television all day. As is the case with any new tool or subject, children require direction in order to completely comprehend what is expected of them.

Your child will be better able to take responsibility for their behaviors associated with the use of digital technologies if you have conversations with them about appropriate behavior while using those tools. Despite the fact that children are not physically there with another person when they are using technology, they are still able to engage with other people online or make creative items that other people may view.

Citizens of the digital world are aware of and sensitive to how other people will react to their digital footprint, which can be defined as their conduct with technology.
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How to Teach Your Child the Concept of Digital Citizenship

To assist you in educating your family about the importance of digital citizenship, here are some steps:

  1. Review the definition of digital citizenship and discuss examples and non-examples. In order to get people out of their seats and chat about the examples, you may turn this into a fun game by using examples that are ridiculous.
  2. Brainstorm words that can be kind and helpful online and talk about hurtful language that should not be used online. It can be difficult to understand how someone is feeling when they are not physically present with you; yet, this does not mean that our words do not have any effect.
  3. Discuss keeping private information private, things like passwords, addresses, and phone numbers are examples.
  4. Set expectations for digital use in the home. I have discovered that it is beneficial to intertwine this talk with other things that they will lose out on if they spend all of their time with the iPad or a video. Here are some examples.
  5. Consider writing expectations down and have everyone in the house sign it as a visual reminder of their pledge with the purpose of meeting their expectations. When everyone in the family is on the same page and everyone is on the same page, it will be much simpler to stick to the goals that you have established. The days that we have decided to make “No Social Media” days are always the ones in which I am able to connect with my family more and relax more.
  6. Remember to frequently review responsible and respectful behavior for technology use. It is simple to forget the objectives that you have established with your child or family; therefore, it will be beneficial to do so in order to ensure that they are maintained.

It would help if you looked into this Digital Citizenship Pledge, which you may discuss with your child while conversing with them.

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