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How to Be Less Judgmental

How to Be Less Judgmental

How to Be Less Judgmental

Have you ever given it any thought how frequently a day you pass judgement on other people, things, or events? We all have a habit of doing that.

For instance, we often pass judgement on people’s appearance and lifestyle when we first meet them. We evaluate people’s appearances, consider their hairstyles, make fun of their behaviours, and even determine what they had for breakfast as we navigate through social media.


According to Meghan Marcum, PsyD, the head psychologist at AMFM Healthcare, being judgmental entails viewing things through a critical lens.

A cognitive skill called judgement enables us to evaluate individuals, circumstances, and relationships using the sensory data at hand to draw judgements and take action. This is a crucial capacity, but we must use it cautiously and refrain from becoming unduly judgmental of others.

This essay addresses the advantages of having a wider perspective and offers some tips for being less judgmental.

Characteristics of Judgmental People

In contrast to those who are more open-minded, Dr. Marcum presents several traits of judgmental persons.

Judgmental People

  • Are extremely harsh
  • Make unfounded assumptions that are not supported by the facts
  • View the world with your prejudices
  • Lack of concern for others
  • Discredit others to feel superior
  • Consider other people as rivals or competitors
  • Frequently unhappy

Open-Minded People

  • Are you comprehending
  • Try to keep an open mind and to see the best in people and circumstances.
  • Keep a logical and fair attitude
  • Empathize with others
  • Avoid comparing yourself to others.
  • Have wholesome, encouraging relationships
  • Are more satisfied

Benefits of Being Less Judgmental

Dr. Marcum discusses a few advantages of having less prejudice:

  • Wider horizons: By viewing situations objectively, you can take into account various viewpoints outside of your own consciousness and discover useful insights into what other people go through. Additionally, it might aid in developing your compassion and understanding for those who might be different from you.
  • More good news: Judgment stems from a negative place. You can have a more optimistic attitude on the world if you are less judgmental. According to research, an optimistic outlook contributes to happier, healthier lives.
  • Better relationships: People find it difficult to trust you when they feel judged, which alienates them. On the other hand, demonstrating compassion and understanding promotes the development of empowering bonds.

6 Ways to Be Less Judgmental

Dr. Marcum offers some tips on how to avoid passing judgement.

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

Recognizing your judgmental tendencies is the first step towards changing them. Start being more conscious of your thoughts so that you can recognise when you are passing judgement.

Look for ideas or expressions like:

  • What is [person] wearing, doing, or saying?”
  • “Instead of [activity], [person] should [action].
  • “This [person/thing] is so [descriptive word].”

Question Your Assumptions

If you have a bad opinion of someone, consider the reasons behind it. Did you base your opinion on fact before forming it? Do you already know everything you need to know or do you still need to learn more about the circumstances?

Before making a decision, try to investigate all the potential sources of information. If it’s not possible, you might want to express a neutral or open-ended opinion instead.

Recognize Your Biases

Recognize your own prejudices and cultural norms. Recognize that your experiences have limited your ability to see the world as it is.

Always keep in mind that opinions may differ among those with varied cultural, social, professional, religious, or ethnic origins. Put yourself in their position and try to understand things from their point of view.

Be Empathetic

Even if someone looks, thinks, dresses, speaks, or behaves differently than you do, try to show empathy for them.


Consider your reactions when someone created an unjustified opinion about you. Did it make you feel hurt, mad, upset, humiliated, ashamed, or disappointed? Allow those emotions to lead you to developing more empathy for other people.

Expand Your Horizons

Try to broaden your horizons and expose yourself to fresh thoughts and viewpoints. converse with new individuals and learn about their life. Try new things, both in terms of activities and foods. Read a lot of books and watch educational videos. As often as you can, travel.

Practice Positivity

You might also set aside some time each night to reflect on the day’s highlights and express your gratitude for everything. You have the option to perform this mental exercise by yourself. Alternatively, you may write it down in a notebook or try it out on a loved one.


You can become more optimistic with practise. Challenge yourself to find something good in the circumstance if you find yourself thinking negatively about something or someone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to know if you are a judgemental person?

Some indicators that you might be a judge include the following:

  • You struggle to look past the shortcomings of others.
  • People are typically viewed as either entirely good or entirely bad.
  • People who are unlike you don’t appeal to you.
  • You have the impression that everyone is trying to get you.
  • You view other people as competitors.

How to deal with someone in your life who is judgmental?

You can use the following techniques to deal with someone who is judgmental:

  • Tell them that you were hurt by what they said.
  • If they’re willing to listen, give them an explanation of your viewpoint.
  • Keep in mind that they are more responsible for their own attitude than you are.
  • If their actions don’t change, keep your distance.

A Word From WinAspire

Although we are all prone to judging others at some point or another, it’s a terrible habit that might encourage negativity. We may broaden our views, acquire fresh viewpoints, and create healthier relationships by being more open-minded.

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